Manx Myths, Mysteries & Miscellanies


Written by Robert Kelly

Fascinating but little-known information about the Isle of Man.

“There was a tradition at the tea rooms garden that men could put their arms around a woman called Flora for them to be photographed having a hug. She didn’t protest because she was made of wood.”

Manx Myths, Mysteries & Miscellanies, page 53

ISBN: 978-1-908060-39-6 Categories: , , ,

Do you know what a Vitascope clock is? Or where you can find the remains of the Manx flax industry? Or what was the meaning behind Mabelreign? Robert Kelly does!

Manx born and bred, Robert spent his entire life researching and writing about the Isle of Man and amassed a huge fund of fascinating and little-known information..

Sadly Robert died in 2018, but this collection of some of his unpublished work reminds us not only of his erudition and delight in detail but also his love of the myriad stories which contribute to the identity of his homeland.

Whether he's writing about repurposing a concrete ship or the history of the Douglas mace, Robert Kelly writes with wit, individuality and style.


About the Author

Robert Kelly spent a lifetime in newspapers. He began his career as a cub reporter and, decades later, retired as Editorial Director of the Isle of Man Examiner. He was the first man to be responsible for the Times, the Examiner and the Manx Star all at the same time.

Robert was fascinated by the history of his homeland and published several books revealing his deep knowledge of the Isle of Man and his love of the unusual and arcane.

Sadly Robert died in 2018, leaving behind him a collection of unfinished and unpublished writings. After his passing, Robert's friend and executor Neil Hanson, together with historian Matthew Richardson, foraged through Robert's CDs and computer drives to compile this collection of his unpublished writings. The arrangement is theirs but the words are his and reflect the enormous breadth of Robert's interests, encompassing almost every aspect of life on the Isle of Man.

Loaghtan Books is delighted to be able to publish the writings, albeit posthumously, of such a well-respected Manx journalist.

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